Category SFSonline

SFSonline: Take our survey

collage of film stills from online programme

We would love to get your feedback on our recent online programme; we have put together a very short survey and would invite responses whether you watched some or all of the programme or weren’t able to participate. It’s completely…

SFSonline: Mr. Jones

Peter Sarsgaard, Vanessa Kirby and James Norton in Mr Jones (Signature Entertainment, 7th Feb)

We are going to draw our online cinema programme #AccessCinemaAtHome to a close and finish at the end of this month. That leaves us with two movies to sign-off with. Our penultimate screening is Mr. Jones, a stirring drama based…

SFSonline: Styx

Susanne Wolff playing Rike in Styx. A trip of a lifetime sailing down the Atlantic coast of Africa is brought to a sudden halt with an unexpected encounter.

In this week’s instalment of #AccessCinemaAtHome, German drama Styx is our offering. Styx depicts the transformation of a strong woman torn from her contented world during a sailing trip. When she becomes the only person to come to the aid…

SFSonline: System Crasher

This week’s offering in the #AccessCinemaAtHome programme is Nora Fingscheid’s System Crasher. We caught an early screening of System Crasher at access > CINEMA‘s Viewing Sessions in Belfast last Autumn and it’s a gripping drama, well worth watching! The link to rent the…

SFSonline: The Perfect Candidate

Maryam, played by Mila al-Zahrani in The Perfect Candidate, is a doctor operating in an out of town hospital decides to stand in her local municipal elections.

The Perfect Candidate is our first offering in the #AccessCinemaAtHome programme, a new initiative from our screening partner access > CINEMA bringing new or recent films to watch at home. Haifaa Al Mansour, the trailblazing director of Wadjda, brings you the story of a…