From acclaimed British filmmaker, Carol Morley, inspired by the extensive archive of forgotten artist Audrey Amiss, Typist, Artist, Pirate King is a dark, funny road movie. Using Amiss’s diaries, letters and art, the film weaves real events into an imagined journey as Audrey goes on a road trip with her psychiatric nurse Sandra to a gallery in Sunderland to exhibit her art.
Exploring the growing friendship between these two very different women as they hit the road in an electric car looking for reconciliation, peace of mind and recognition Morleys latest feature is filled with adventure, humour and compassion.
Festival & Awards
Galway Film Fleadh 2023
Glasgow Film Festival 2023
Tallinn Black Nights Film festival 2022
‘’ ★★★★ It is tremendously shot by Agnès Godard and the compassion of the film is palpable.’’ — Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian
“A delight, and a film which cleverly picks apart the clichés of the timeworn artist biopic.” — David Jenkins, Little White Lies
Film Info
106 mins | UK | 2023 | CLUB
Carol Morley
Monica Dolan, Kelly Macdonald, Gina McKee